Unstructured Outdoor Play

These little maple tree seeds were one of my favorite outdoor play activities when I was a kid. They tend to fall from the trees like “helicopters” and I would run to try to catch them. Once I did, I would peel them open and stick them on my nose and pretend to be whatever my imagination brought up; Pinocchio, a bird with a long beak, a rhino, etc. 🤥🦏🦤🚁
Outdoor un-structured play like this builds confidence, promotes creativity and imaginative skills, and strengthens so many key sensory systems. Did you know that most children spend only 4 to 7 minutes a day in unstructured play outdoors, and over 7 hours a day in front of a screen? 📱📺
Let me know how you will get outside this week and commit to yours and your child’s growth and well-being! ☀️🦋🌱
Reference: childmind.org “Why kids need to spend time in nature.”


Summer FUN


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