Accepting Your & Your Childs Sensory Differences
Sandy toes on a sunny San Diego, CA beach.
Older adult managing sensory differences.
Let’s talk about tactile sensory processing! 🖐🏼🦶🏼
We process it every second of our day... from the clothing we wear, the surfaces we touch, the food we eat, and the masks we’re wearing. If your neurology is human (which it is!) you have a unique sensory profile. You may not notice any of these tactile inputs or some may be so overwhelming but you’ve found ways to manage...
For children and adults with sensory processing differences, these things can push their nervous systems into fight, flight, or freeze mode at any moment. Being mindful of the environment and being a sensory detective can help adults predict and modify these experiences for our littles (or our large little like my husband in photo #2 😜)
The first step is awareness and acceptance - we ALL have sensory differences - approach them with curiosity and wonder while embracing who you are 🥰
What tactile inputs are just TOO much for you? What tactile inputs do you LOVE? For me, I cannot stand my socks being saggy/loose and I LOVE the feeling of a smooth rock (I use this to fidget with when nervous!) Let me know yours below 👇🏼