Why we encourage the "wrong" things SUNRISE TherapiesAugust 11, 2022#autism, #occupational therapy, #OT, #development, #pedsOT, #pediatricOT, #playComment
Developing fine motor strength by targeting the core SUNRISE TherapiesAugust 4, 2022occupational therapy, #OT, #corestrength, #core, #finemotorstrength, #finemotor, #finemotorskills, #sunrisetherapies, #trunkstrengthComment
Why we don't accept insurance SUNRISE TherapiesJuly 29, 2022#ot, #occupational therapy, #client centered careComment
Inclusive Spaces in San Diego Part 1 SUNRISE TherapiesJuly 27, 2022#autism, #occupational therapy, #OT, #sandiego, #sandiegochildrensmuseum, #inclusion, #pediatricOT, #pedsOTComment
Co-Regulation SUNRISE TherapiesJuly 22, 2022#occupational therapy, #OT, #co-regulation, #self-regulation, #modelingComment
Our favorite ways to use blankets, pillows, and cushions! SUNRISE TherapiesJuly 7, 2022#occupational therapy, #OT, #proprioceptiveinput, #proproprioceptiveprocessingComment
Summer FUN SUNRISE TherapiesJuly 5, 2022#occupational therapy, #pediatricOT, #sensorymotor, #OT, #summerComment
The Vagus Nerve & Regulation Skills SUNRISE TherapiesJune 16, 2022#OT, #occupational therapy, #selfregulation, #vagalmaneuvers, #CNSComment
Strengths Based Approach SUNRISE TherapiesMay 13, 2022SUNRISE Therapies Inc#OT, #strengthsbasedapproach, #autism, #occupational therapyComment
Sleep and Sensory Processing SUNRISE TherapiesApril 8, 2022#sleep, #occupational therapy, #sensory processing, #client centered care, #OT, #adl, #pediatricOT, #pedsOTComment
"So what is occupational therapy?" SUNRISE TherapiesFebruary 27, 2022Sun#OccupationalTherapy #PediatricOT #PedsOT #SensoryProcessing #Development #SanDiegoKids #SanDiegoFamilies #SDKids #SDFamily #Poway #Neurodiversity #Inclusion #InclusionMatters #NaturalisticEnvironment #PlayAndLearn #ScreenFreeKids #ChildLedPlay #EarlyChildhoodDevelopmentComment
Intrinsic Motivation SUNRISE TherapiesJanuary 27, 2022intrinsic, motivation, occupational therapy, development, IEP, school-basedComment
Tummy Time POV SUNRISE TherapiesJuly 8, 2021#OccupationalTherapy #PediatricOT #PedsOT #SensoryProcessing #Development #SanDiegoKids #SanDiegoFamilies #SDKids #SDFamily #Poway #Neurodiversity #Inclusion #InclusionMatters #NaturalisticEnvironment #PlayAndLearn #ScreenFreeKids #ChildLedPlay #EarlyChildhoodDevelopment
Family Focused Play SUNRISE TherapiesJune 25, 2021pediatric occupational therapy, OT Outside the Box, San Diego, holistic, san diego life
"I am..." affirmations for kids SUNRISE TherapiesJune 20, 2021mindfulness, occupational therapy, future generations, kindness, pediatric occupational therapy
Accepting Your & Your Childs Sensory Differences SUNRISE TherapiesJune 8, 2021sensory processing, tactile, clothing aversion, occupational therapy, clothing